We offer CEO clients a concierge-style sophisticated service, to meet their unique and sometimes complicated needs.
Acting as independent trusted advisors, we tell boards and C-suite executives the truth with what they need to know – including whether the marketing and/or communications activities being run by their staff are suited and/or capable to succeed. In doing so, we service entrepreneurs, high net worth individuals, corporate executives and business owners.
We provide unbiased fresh thinking for companies to realise opportunities for growth in their product and/or service offering.
Every CEO has a story to tell and we ensure a CEO’s story gets heard. We provide support across all channels, including presentations, speeches, interviews, social media or contribution of thought leadership. In addition, we can service most marketing and communications functions for your business, from strategic marketing planning through to resource allocation, execution and evaluation.
We work alongside clients to deliver service outcomes that achieve business goals, we have expertise in:
- Branding for executives that benefit the organisation.
- Roadmapping for clear communications about a CEO’s transition.
- Executive media coaching for engaging with audiences and/or communicating with company stakeholders in a crisis.
- Enhancement in capabilities for in-house marketing teams, across any number of our service offerings.
- Due diligence in determining whether to proceed with market entry, and if so, speaking the target market’s language.
- Measurable impact via the review of marketing and communications activities.