Customers equate brands with their experiences. By putting customers first and meeting their expectations, your business will nurture strong customer relationships, establish loyalty and build brand advocates.

At 1Up Communications, we ensure customers are at forefront of all marketing strategy for our clients; concentrating on ensuring seamless, consistent experiences across all the different touchpoints. We ensure material developed for your customers is relevant, sales are refined where needed, and channel management is approached to better serve customer segments in order to maximise sales and minimise costs.

For many businesses, the hurdle they face in getting the customer experience (Cx) right is a failure to understand their customers, consequently resulting in an inability to provide relevant offers or personalised experiences.

It is increasingly challenging to stand out in an Omni channel world; however, if the ultimate Cx experience does not reflect the promise, a brand can diminish and if repeatedly poor, it can even collapse. When there have been bad experiences, it can take 12+ positive experiences to repair the damage to one negative experience. In other cases, angry customers share their negative experiences across the internet and on social media resulting in disastrous consequences to your brand’s reputation.

At 1Up Communications, we help you to harness awareness, discovery, cultivation, advocacy, purchases and service for your business. Your brand should set the expectations for the manner in which your customers expect to have their experiences.

When your business gets it right, experiences create lasting connections with customers which in turn will grow your brand! We provide leading Cx training, which includes understanding your business and brand strategies, your customers and your Cx objectives.

We have expertise in: