Brand Design & Content

Memorable and effective brands need to be created with the same level of precision planning that you would put into the design and development of an award-winning house or building.

In the same way a house is not simply purchased on a colour alone – your branding cannot and should not simply be based on a campaign or colour found on a pallet. Without coherent architecture, design and development, spending money on marketing brands will simply become bogged down by costs and complexities. No more evident than if your corporate business has multiple layered brands and you are deciding on whether to brand your business and/or products together or separately.

In a digital content-driven world, content is king and largely forms your brand. Content is a window for customers to understand who you are and what you do. As a general principle, customers are not interested in you or your products and/or services; rather they are generally interested in themselves and their needs and wants.

1Up Communications are experts in designing content that is consistent in voice and look, with each interaction by stakeholders leading to your brand becoming louder and more established in the minds of your audiences, until interaction leads to customer conversion. Experience and virility of a product and/or service, needs to be designed so that your customers never want to leave your brand.

At 1Up communication we understand what drives customer and stakeholder interests; we create interesting and engaging content that captures and engages your audience – what they actually pay attention to!

We ensure content serves your customers and other stakeholders in the following ways:

  • Searchable: has quality and impact, because search engines reward regular publishing.
  • Shareable: obtains peer approval, because driving shares in turn boosts search ranking.
  • Supportive: projecting you as an authoritative source, anticipating your stakeholders’ questions and telling them what they did not know.
  • Specialist: offering niche information from your company.
  • Sustainable: providing systems to generate ideas and populate within an editorial calendar.

We have expertise in:

Brand Analysis & Strategy

Think of brand analysis as where you are, and your brand strategy as where you are going. A brand analysis affords your business to have clarity of direction. It is vital to know the state your brand is currently in, who your customers are, and what they are seeking; as well as being armed with a robust understanding of what your competitors are doing and how effective they are. Whereas, long-term direction and clear brand strategy is needed to connect to consumer needs, emotions and competitor environments.

At 1Up Communications, we are highly experienced at employing competitor and marketing observations to ensure your business, product or service offering is handled with the meticulous care and attention it deserves.

Rather than engaging in marketing ad hoc – with continuous reduced price offers – we work to develop a proper marketing strategy for your brand. We ensure brand strategy aligns to overall business strategy, with consideration for internal and external factors which influence business and marketing decision making.

We have brand analysis expertise in:

  • Customer analysis: primary and secondary audience, key influencers, trends needed, perceptions of brand category
  • Competitor analysis: market and brand position, brand promise, brand personality, strengths, weaknesses
  • Current brand audit: current brand promise, brand personality, brand positioning, history, SWOT

We have brand strategy expertise in:

  • Developing brand: promise and/or identity, personality, position
  • Growing market position: customer, need, frame of reference, point of difference, reasons to believe
  • Articulating the value proposition: functional benefits, emotional benefits, features
  • Managing the brand architecture (for multiple brands)

Brand Positioning & Repositioning

Positioning is the place brands occupy in the minds of stakeholders and what distinguishes your products from your competitors. It is one of the most powerful and necessary marketing and communications concepts for a business to be successful, because once a company has a strong position, short of a crisis, it is quite challenging to reposition in the minds of stakeholders.

If you want to survive in business, you have to occupy a clear, unique and advantageous position in the minds of your consumers and other stakeholders. 1Up Communications are experts at planning and executing top brand positioning strategy, which widens the relevancy of your business and its competitive distinctiveness ultimately maximising your brand value.

To be competitive, your business must be relevant, have differentiation, and hold credibility and attainability of the brand promise. Types of issues all businesses should consider include:

  • Holding a known product and/or service category;
  • Knowing and understanding target market(s) and brand offerings built around meeting needs;
  • Established a clear point of difference that will be delivered on; and
  • Engendering a strong ability to demonstrate why consumers should believe in the brand.

At 1Up Communications we are experts in corporate positioning and repositioning of client brands in a positive light in the eyes of their stakeholders. This is incredibly diverse the area with the need to position across key areas. They include against competitors, within service/product categories, according to product benefit and attribute, along price lines, on the base of a user or a usage occasion, as a cultural symbol (strong positioning along overall strategy), consideration of segmentation, and understanding of appropriate target markets.

We have expertise in:

We understand the ‘big picture’ perspective for a brand. We are the synthesis of design meets web, with leading expertise in creation of highly-focused, integrated marketing solutions to connect your business.

Our cutting edge solutions involve the creation and design of wholly-integrated websites and marketing programs – which includes search marketing, content marketing and social marketing – that not only amplify your message but also integrate your branding and targeted digital strategies to bring you a ROI.

Data and insights are only useful if they are translated meaningfully – rather than simply having information that is obvious and already known by you, repeated back to you like many consultants elect to do. We believe the power comes from being informed on how you can save time, money and/or be more efficient, as well as learning of any new stakeholder opportunities the data presents and how you can leverage these.

At 1Up communications, we also have technical partnerships to be able to meet your data and insight needs.  This means, we have capacity to assist your organisation through frameworks and applications, to utilise leading technologies in bot development, Natural Language Processing, machine learning, dashboard analytics, and database management.

We help you to understand what you can do with your data to help shape and share your story.

We have expertise in:

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) draws together all current and future communications and messaging of your company, ensuring consistency and linkage. When put into practice, IMC provides you with a significant competitive advantage through integration with one-to-one communication and talking in unison (away from fragmented communication). This in turn boosts sales and profits, whilst saving money, time and stress.

At 1Up Communications, we are the leading experts of achieving synthesis through IMC; we focus on the multiple audiences, products and services through various channels, ensuring alignment of symbols, messages, procedures and behaviours of your customers.

We hold significant expertise in successfully taking businesses through the various stages and strategies of the IMC journey. They include:

Stage 1: Tactical coordination of marketing communication – bundling all promotional mix elements together (i.e. advertising, direct response, PR, sales promotion and special events) and speaking with one voice (one-sight, one-sound). [inside out approach]

Stage 2: Redefining the scope of marketing communications – considering all communication from the viewpoint of the customer, with examination of any and all contact/entry points between the customer and the organisation. [outside in approach]

Stage 3: Application of Information Technology – using data obtained through IT to analyse the impact (over time) of the integrated internal and external communications programs.

Stage 4: Financial and strategic integration – adopting financial measures to the marketing, based on return-on-customer investment (top level integration). It is a movement from the skills and data to the longer term strategic planning, utilising customer information and insights.

With few companies making it to Stage 2, and even fewer companies to Stages 3 and 4, we know that effectively executing IMC across all four stages is what makes many companies great and hugely successful.

At 1Up Communications, we equip our customers to overcome all IMC barriers to ensure our clients capitalise on the significant financial and reputational advantages to be had through following the process.

Customers equate brands with their experiences. By putting customers first and meeting their expectations, your business will nurture strong customer relationships, establish loyalty and build brand advocates.

At 1Up Communications, we ensure customers are at forefront of all marketing strategy for our clients; concentrating on ensuring seamless, consistent experiences across all the different touchpoints. We ensure material developed for your customers is relevant, sales are refined where needed, and channel management is approached to better serve customer segments in order to maximise sales and minimise costs.

For many businesses, the hurdle they face in getting the customer experience (Cx) right is a failure to understand their customers, consequently resulting in an inability to provide relevant offers or personalised experiences.

It is increasingly challenging to stand out in an Omni channel world; however, if the ultimate Cx experience does not reflect the promise, a brand can diminish and if repeatedly poor, it can even collapse. When there have been bad experiences, it can take 12+ positive experiences to repair the damage to one negative experience. In other cases, angry customers share their negative experiences across the internet and on social media resulting in disastrous consequences to your brand’s reputation.

At 1Up Communications, we help you to harness awareness, discovery, cultivation, advocacy, purchases and service for your business. Your brand should set the expectations for the manner in which your customers expect to have their experiences.

When your business gets it right, experiences create lasting connections with customers which in turn will grow your brand! We provide leading Cx training, which includes understanding your business and brand strategies, your customers and your Cx objectives.

We have expertise in: